What fish are "in season"?
​Speckled Trout | May - Dec. | Speckled Trout can be caught all year and average 15 - 25 in length, and 2 - 4 pounds. They can grow as large as 40 inches and 12 pounds. Great fun on light tackle. |
Gray Trout | Oct. - Feb. | Grow to 36 inches but most catches are 12 - 16, fun on light tackle. |
​Red Drum | Mar. - Oct. | Good fighters that have endurance and power. Reaching 40 plus pounds is not uncommon. (NC State Fish) |
Flounder | ​Jun. - Sep. | Aggressive predators that are caught in the ocean and in the sounds. Fun to hook and excellent eating. |
Sheepshead | May - Oct. | Very strong fighters if they have any size. Sometimes difficult to hook because of the very subtle bite.Also known as convict fish because of their black and white stripes. |
Black Drum | ​Mar. - May / Sep. - Dec. | Very strong and good fighters. A lot of fun to catch, can get up to 100 pounds. |
Triggerfish | May - Oct. | Flat football like body, leathery skin, 2 to 8 pounds but for their size they are very hard fighters and excellent eating. |
Blue Fish | ​Mar. - Nov. | Hard strikes and can be a challenge to land after they are hooked. They can grow to be 19 pounds and 34 inches in length, fun to catch. |
Spanish Mackerel | May - Sep. | Can grow to 37 inches and 12 pounds. More common catches between 2-5 pounds. fun to catch and good to eat. |
King Mackerel | Apr. - Jun. / Sep. - Dec. | Average 15 to 30 pounds, 40 to 70 is not uncommon, very fast and aggressive. |
​False Albacore | Apr. - Dec. | Sight fishing to schools, good fighters, tuna family. |
Ribbonfish | May - Sep. | ​Average 36 inches, long and thin with huge teeth. Fun to catch, edible when prepared properly. |
Amberjack | Apr. - Oct. | ​A.k.a. Reef Donkeys because of their strength and stubbornness. They are powerful fighters and can grown to be over 100 lbs. |
Mahi Mahi | Apr. - Nov. | Can be caught on light tackle. Targeted on weed lines, around floating debris, current edges, and tide lines. Fun to catch and excellent to eat. |
Striped Bass | Apr. - Oct. | Targeted when the weather starts to cool down. At 2 to 3 years old they are 20-25 inches. Older adults can get 50-60 pounds |
Cobia | ​May - Aug. | ​A lot of fun to catch and search for (sight fishing). Excellent eating fish that put up a good fight. Can grow up to 100 pounds. |